Should You Build or Outsource Your Inside Sales Team?

Are you considering outsourcing your inside sales team? If so, you’ve likely heard or come across some common myths about the practice, such as:

1. Outsourcing costs more than building a team in-house.
2. Most businesses don’t need to outsource their sales processes.
3. Outsourcing an inside sales team is too risky.
4. Outsourced sales partners don’t bring new ideas to the table.

Companies already investing in outsourced sales services have proven these myths unfounded, growing their pipelines and increasing revenue beyond their expectations. The trick to making an outsourced inside sales team work for you is to learn how to choose one that’s best for your organization’s unique needs.

Building vs. Outsourcing an Inside Sales Team

You have two approaches for establishing a sales team that can take your business to the next level:

  • Build your inside team by hiring, onboarding, and training new sales reps.
  • Partner with a third-party sales and marketing service.

Each strategy has its benefits and drawbacks, and it requires a fair share of research to ensure you make an educated decision. To begin, we’ll define each model and examine how they can impact ROI.

Inside Sales

Your inside sales team is directly employed and works in-house or remotely to perform their sales tasks. Everything sales-related is managed by internal stakeholders, including your sales strategy, execution, team management, reporting, and quotas.

Outsourced Sales

An outside sales provider offers numerous sales and marketing services, including lead generation, inside sales, lead qualification, telemarketing, and appointment-setting services. They work on behalf of or as an extension of your organization. You choose which services they offer will help you meet your sales goals and objectives.

Which Inside Sales Model is Right for You?

Let’s look at three reasons why you might want to stay with an inside sales team and three others supporting outsourcing sales.

There are times it might not be in your organization’s best interests to outsource inside sales:

  1. Your business model isn’t a good fit for an outsourced sales team.
  2. There are hidden costs associated with outsourcing inside sales.
  3. You’re not comfortable “losing control” over the SDRs and sales process.

Still, beefing up an in-house sales team is challenging. Finding, hiring, and training quality salespeople is no easy task. And studies show that few inside sales teams are realizing their full potential. Yet, many organizations consider sales to be such a vital inside function that they can’t imagine trusting an outsource partner to take on any of the responsibilities.

As mentioned, companies that outsource their insides sales to a trusted, experienced third-party provider achieve better business outcomes. Here’s how.

  • Mitigating risk. In many ways, an in-house sales team can be riskier than investing in an outsourced one. Why? Because in today’s hiring climate, finding and retaining quality sales talent is challenging, and sales churn is at an all-time high. Unless your company has the infrastructure to shoulder that burden, it could be better to turn over some responsibilities to an outsourcing partner.
  • Access to experts. This could be the single most compelling reason to outsource inside sales. After hiring, training, and managing sales reps to ensure they appropriately pitch your product or service is incredibly time-consuming and challenging. And your sales team needs guidance, supervision, and support on a daily basis. With outsourcing, you not only get highly trained and experienced sales professionals, but you also get the latest tools and technologies they bring to the table.
  • Scaling quickly. Most companies that build up their sales team do so because they want to scale their business fast. Outsourcing your business’s inside sales gives you access to talent networks that make it easy to add new reps to your account within weeks, not months. Top performing sales outsourcing partners offer greater uptime, so you don’t need to worry about lags in activity during unplanned leaves, or when an employee quits or retires.

Adopting an outsourced marketing and sales strategy might not be suitable for every company, but for most, it can be worth checking out to see if it can help them grow their business and get the sales results they’re looking for.

Should Your Business Outsource Inside Sales?

Outsourcing inside sales can offer you the best of all worlds—you get the usual benefits of an in-house sales team with the bonus of world-class assistance from an outsourcing partner. Done right, it can help you:

  • Get to market faster.
  • Free up sales time for revenue-generating activities.
  • Gain perspective on business initiations and growth opportunities.
  • Keep overhead low.
  • Learn the latest sales best practices.

Lastly, a top-quality global provider of sales and marketing services considers your success its success. As long as you choose a third-party provider that cares about your business’s goals as much as you do, you’ll be richly rewarded with sales reps who work just as hard for your brand as your in-house team does.

Partnering with a sales and marketing services provider like 3D2B means you get to work with proven sales talent that have expertise in the market or markets you’re targeting. We’ll help you identify and close deals with the right decision-makers more quickly. And as a vertical service integrator, we’ll employ innovative and effective sales initiatives to help you maximize your market.

Book a consultation today to learn more about all we do.

Call us at +1 813-320-0500 (US) or +39 06 978446 60 (EMEA) or contact us online for help meeting your sales goals.

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